
“‘Technology that perceives the world’. A Walkthrough to Art with Augmented and Virtual Reality” UE Theory Art & Design Guest Lecture Series Berlin, May 2024
“Digitale Kunst im öffentlichen Raum“, Guest Lecture at Kunstverein you-transfer in Stuttgart April 2024.
"Areal. Zur Bild-Raum-Teilung der Virtual Reality", Lecture at the 37. Deutscher Kongress für Kunstgeschichte 2024 with the topic „Bild und Raum“ in March 2024 at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.
“How to Augmented Reality?” Workshop at the at the University Bremen in February 2024.
"AR-Art goes outdoor – Talk" Talk at the NRW Forum Düsseldorf with the topic with "Digitales Ausstellen im Außenraum. Eine Veranstaltung im Rahmen der AR Biennale" with Nadine Kolodziey and Ben Livne Weitzman in August 2023. Moderated by Sophie Ramirez. Link
"Streunende Hunde und expandierender Rauch. Oder: Zur Teilung der Welt." Lecture at the Festival for Digital Arts NEWNOW with the Topic "Hypernatural Forces" in June 2023 at Zeche Zollverein Essen. Link
"How am I? Voids within References to Self and Others in Artistic VR Experiences." Lecture together with Manischa Eichwalder during the workshop "Relationality in VR – Interdisciplinary Workshop on Aesthetic Research in Virtual Reality" in March 2023 at the HSLU Luzern (organization Christina Zimmermann).
"Zur Technik-Ästhetik der Mixed Reality. Über das Verhältnis von Redundanz und Augmentation." Lecture at the interdisciplinary conference "Technik-Ästhetik. Zur materialen und rezeptiven Systematisierung techno-ästhetischer Realität" at the University Bonn-Rhein-Sieg in April 2021.
"Von der Atelierwand zum digitalen Pinboard. Operationen der Selbstverortung und der kollektiven Praxis." Lecture at the interdisciplinary conference „HOW TO ARTS EDUCATION RESEARCH“ at the State Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe in November 2020.
Opening speech for the exhibition "Antikörper. Melanie Dorfer", at Centre Culturel Franco-Allemand Karlsruhe, 2020
"Placing Things Beside Themselves. 'to see how they hold up' (Georges Braque)." Lecture at the international conference "THINGS BESIDE THEMSELVES" at Bauhaus University Weimar (Researchgroup Media and Mimesis) in February 2020.
Opening speech for the exhibition "Die Wasser des März. Jacob Ott, Nicolas Wells", T66, Freiburg
Opening speech for the exhibition "Who dunnit? mit Arbeiten von Sophie Innmann, Sanna Reitz und Konstantin Friedrich", Project Space Akku, Stuttgart, 2019
Opening speech for the exhibition "Das Lied der Dinge. Stillleben im Wandel der Kunst", Museum for Contemporary Art / Collection Hurrle, Durbach
Opening speech for the exhibition "Lars Lehmann", Gallery Kirrmann, Karlsruhe 2018
Opening speech for the exhibition "Sonntag. Tatjana Doll", State Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe, 2018
Lecture "Notizen zum Sagbaren" during the exhibition "Fom versus Function. Konstantin Friedrich und Sanna Reitz", Kunstverein Letschebach, 2018
Summer 2021
„Mobile Screens. Zur Aktualität und Geschichte tragbarer Träger.“
Master Program Media Sciences, TU Berlin.
Master Program Media Sciences, TU Berlin.
Winter 2021/22
„Theorien des Bildträgers“
Art Sciences and Aesthetics, UdK Berlin.
Art Sciences and Aesthetics, UdK Berlin.
„AR und VR als Medien der Narration“
Film and Theater Sciences, FU Berlin.
Film and Theater Sciences, FU Berlin.
„On the Media History of Augmented and Virtual Reality“
Theory of Art and Design, University of Europe for Applied Science, Berlin.
Theory of Art and Design, University of Europe for Applied Science, Berlin.
Summer 2022
„In the Space Between 2D and 3D“
Theory of Art and Design, University of Europe for Applied Science, Berlin
Theory of Art and Design, University of Europe for Applied Science, Berlin
„Extended Realities“
Masterprogram Media Spaces, University of Europe for Applied Science, Berlin.
Masterprogram Media Spaces, University of Europe for Applied Science, Berlin.
„(Digitale) Medien und Malerei“
Mediatheory, KH Berlin Weißensee
Mediatheory, KH Berlin Weißensee
Summer 2023
"Virtual Reality Art"
Masterprogram New Media Design, University of Europe for Applied Science, Berlin.
Masterprogram New Media Design, University of Europe for Applied Science, Berlin.